Greentown Service is a social enterprise
In terms of the company's behavior and value orientation, Greentown Service has become a social enterprise. The way to evaluate social enterprises is that their existence, content and main appeal are not to seek general commercial profits, but to seek greater interests of social development. Compared with many other enterprises, Greentown service plays a more direct role in the society. Because of the number of people covered by our service and the impact of our service content on the elderly and children, Greentown service has built an important part of urban civilization and social civilization. But for the company to grow better, it needs to explore a sense of integration and interaction with our team of employees, the diverse owners we serve, and all the social interfaces associated with it.
Greentown Service has two basic expressions for the company: "social welfare undertakings operated by business model" and "the most valuable happy life service provider in China". The external function is to be a promoter of a better life. In the residential parks we serve, public buildings, office buildings and other places we enter, we promote the quality of urban life services; Within the company, it must be for the benefit of all employees. A company has to serve many customers, but the first object of service is its employees to seek their happiness.